Become A Friend of the River
Become a member, or renew, and join us in our fight for a better future!
Friends of the River is dedicated to saving our rivers and advancing proactive and realistic ways to improve our water supply reliability and security through sustainable means. Your generous donations provide the foundation for our success and help keep FOR at the absolute forefront of river conservation in America.
Become a River Champion
Please consider supporting California rivers as a River Champion. Our California rivers need your financial support and your engagement. Your support at a River Champion level provides the foundation FOR needs to take the hard positions, fight the political and regulatory battles, and to sustain the strategies over many years that are necessary to win.
Friends of the River’s Sustainer Circle
Sustainers make our work possible!
Friends of the River’s Sustainer Circle is a passionate group of river lovers—like you—who provide ongoing support for the conservation and advocacy programs that keep our magnificent rivers healthy and free-flowing. Steady monthly contributions help FOR’s staff remain focused on their crucial work of protecting, restoring and sustaining California’s rivers.
Becoming a Sustainer is easy!
- Set your monthly donation amount
- Provide your credit card information using the secure form on the donation page
- Friends of the River automatically bills your credit card monthly
- No paper notices and No checks to mail
- You can increase, decrease, pause or stop your donations at any time
It’s a win-win that saves you time, saves trees, saves us administrative costs and immediately puts your donation to work protecting the rivers you love.
Thank you for being a true friend of California’s rivers.