Join Our Fight for a Better Future!
You can help FOR by making a special contribution today to demonstrate grassroots support for sustainable water solutions.
Friends of the River is nationally recognized as an authority on the adverse effects of dams on rivers and ecosystems and as the most effective grassroots organization in the country working on behalf of rivers. With your support, we have led successful campaigns for the permanent protection of many outstanding California rivers and streams—including the Kings, Kern, Merced, Tuolumne, Upper Klamath, West Walker, East Carson, Sisquoc, Black Butte, and Big Sur rivers.
FOR is a lean and mean fighting machine. Your generous donations help us maintain our small and dedicated staff, fund crucial litigation, engage volunteers, and develop the next generation of river advocates. We are expanding our presence on social media to help educate the public and combat misinformation. We can't do these things without you!
Years from now, as people enjoy and revere these beautiful rivers, our hope is that some will look back and say “Thank goodness that people had the foresight to realize that some things should be protected forever.”
Other Ways to Give
Give stock or mutual funds that have gone up in value during your ownership over more than a year’s time. You will get a deduction equal to the full value of the securities at the time of donation, rather than how much you originally paid for them, without paying a capital gains tax!
Email for information on how to donate stock.
EarthShare was formed in 1982 as a coalition of twelve environmental organizations working together to raise needed funds through workplace fundraising campaigns. EarthShare California manages environmental giving campaigns in workplaces for environmental and conservation charities, more than 40 national and international organizations; Friends of the River has been an EarthShare affiliate for over two decades. For more information on Earthshare email us at
The Ron Stork River-Advocate Legacy Fund
An endowed fund of the Placer Community Foundation
Friends of the River (FOR) is proud to announce a partnership with the Placer Community Foundation, in establishing the Ron Stork River-Advocate Legacy Fund. This fund was established to honor the long-time river advocacy work of Ron Stork. As a Senior Policy Advocate for FOR, Ron’s award-winning work over the years has helped establish FOR as a leader in the protection and conservation of California’s rivers. In addition to FOR, Ron’s work is relied upon by numerous organizations throughout the state. This permanent Endowment Fund, held by Placer Community Foundation, was created to support the mission of Friends of the River, and in particular our River Policy Advocacy work.
The Foundation accepts gifts of cash, public traded securities, real estate, life insurance, and other personal property. Donors may make current gifts, or also arrange a future gift to the Fund through other charitable vehicles. All gifts qualify for maximum tax advantage under federal law.
For questions regarding gifts to the Ron Stork River-Advocate Legacy Fund, please call the Foundation’s office at (530) 885-4920 or email
Gifts to this fund can be made online at
Today: Donors who are age 70½ or older can direct up to $100,000 of their required yearly IRA distributions directly to Friends of the River. This qualified charitable distribution is better than a deduction because it can count towards your required minimum distribution, is not taxable as income to you and can be used even if you do not itemize.
In the future: You can designate Friends of the River to receive all or part of your IRA or qualified retirement plan after your death. Such transfers can be a very tax efficient way of making a gift. Heirs can be left with as little as 30 percent of an IRA from a large estate due to estate and income tax. IRA assets left to Friends of the River would be received tax free.
Donations should be made to "Friends of the River Foundation, a California nonprofit corporation", which was incorporated on December 21, 1976, and is recognized as tax-exempt under IRS code 501(c)3. Our federal tax I.D. number is 94-2400210. As a public charity all donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.
Leaving a bequest to Friends of the River in your Will or Living Trust is not only one of the most important ways to ensure that your personal wishes are honored—it is one of the best ways to help preserve your favorite places.
Your bequest, large or small, speaks powerfully to future generations about you as a person and about the places you treasured. Each bequest received by Friends of the River serves as a powerful boost to our ability to advocate, organize and operate effectively. Please consider including Friends of the River in your Will or Living Trust.
Donations should be made to "Friends of the River Foundation, a California nonprofit corporation", which was incorporated on December 21, 1976, and is recognized as tax-exempt under IRS code 501(c)3. Our federal tax I.D. number is 94-2400210. As a public charity all donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.
Give the Gift of Time
Volunteer Opportunities
There’s plenty of work to be done, and we need your help! Contact us to learn about upcoming volunteer opportunities
Climate change is a monumental challenge and your support will help us gear up with water solutions that protect our rivers. We can’t afford new dams and diversions that cost billions, destroy rivers, and fail to meet our water needs.
Learn about our recommendations to the Governor:
Read the Full report: NGO Gubernatorial Water Agenda
Read the Short report: NGO Gubernatorial Water Agenda - Short Version