The Oroville Dam
Our 2017 Report Calls for Action to Prevent Future Tragedies in the Era of Climate Change

Lessons from Oroville
California’s existing dam and flood infrastructure needs to be fixed now. Oroville Dam gained worldwide attention in February 2017 when crumbling spillways at the nation’s tallest dam triggered one of the largest evacuations in California history. This near catastrophe was a wake-up call to improve the state's existing dam infrastructure and flood management, according to a new report released by Friends of the River, the California Sportfishing Protection Alliance, the South Yuba River Citizens League, and American Whitewater.
The Oroville Dam 2017 Spillway Incident: Lessons from the Feather River Basin calls for more action at this and thousands of other high-hazard dams to keep water moving and people safe in the era of super storms and climate chaos. The report makes dozens of recommendations for bringing waterworks into the 21st Century in a comprehensive review of California dams, flood manuals, floodplains, and regulatory delay. (This report was written before more definitive official investigations developed the detailed reasons for the failures of the spillways. Still, there is much of relevance in our report. These lengthy later reports can be found in the key document section below.)
DWR still needs to build a complete auxiliary "emergency" spillway at Oroville which would have prevented the near catastrophe. Despite all that’s happened, there is still no plan to build the complete emergency spillway that our groups called for more than seventeen years ago. The beneficiaries of the Oroville project have a responsibility to ensure funding and construction of a spillway that will prevent massive erosion and deposition of the hillside below the emergency spillway into the Feather River channel, causing considerable chaos and potentially even failures that may threaten downstream communities.
In 2018, the federal regulator of Oroville Dam, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) told DWR that the reconstruction auxiliary spillway was 120,000 cubic feet per second short of the capacity typically required of other U.S. dams. In mid-July of 2022, the FERC told DWR, "DWR’s proposal for risk reduction measures to ‘be considered for future implementation’, or studied ‘after completion of the studies and investigations identified by the CNA’ is not acceptable. It is imperative that DWR develop and submit a detailed plan and schedule for determining the safe capacity of the emergency spillway and the spillway adequacy of Oroville Dam." FERC gave DWR 60 days to do so. It could be that FERC finally means business. DWR responded with a list of ongoing studies.
It is still uncertain if FERC intends to order DWR to address the unresolved physical deficiencies at Oroville Dam.
The Oroville incident also highlighted the need to invest in existing water and flood infrastructure across California and the nation. After the Loma Prieta earthquake in 1989, architects and structural engineers intensely reviewed building codes and recommended whole classes of buildings for retrofitting. The report recommends a similar review of our aging water infrastructure and an integrated approach to water management to meet our water needs while ensuring public safety and healthy rivers in a changing climate.
In addition to calling for investments in existing dam infrastructure, our report includes dozens of recommendations for operating dams more safely, implementing flood management projects that protect communities, and requiring regulators to update dam safety requirements. It also calls for water managers to develop relationships with local communities that are founded on equality, fairness and respect.
Read the Executive Summary and Full Report

Eighteen years ago, Friends of the River, and other groups warned the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and others that the unarmored spillway at our nation's tallest dam was a clear and present danger. They should have listened, and this time we trust they will.
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Investigators seek cause of accident deep in Oroville Dam (July 23, 2009)
San Jose Mercury News (Feb 9, 2017)CNN (Feb 13, 2017)
Engineers have known for years (Sac Bee Feb 13 2017)
Washington Post (Feb 14, 2017)
SF Chronicle Op-Ed: Avoiding the Next Oroville (Feb 15, 2017)
To avoid catastrophe (SF Chron FOR op ed 2-15-2017)
Sacramento Bee Op-Ed: Lessons from Oroville (Feb 15, 2017)
Lessons learned from Oroville debacle (Sac Bee op ed Feb 17 2017)
New York Times Editorial: A Parable on Infrastructure (Feb 13, 2017)
A look at repair efforts spillway this week (March 13, 2017)
Damage, design flaw of spillway lengthy repair (March 23, 2017)
Oroville Dam documents kept secret (Sac Bee March 31 2017)
Oroville Dam repairs (Sac Bee April 6, 2017)
Public needs answers (Sac Bee op ed April 6 2017)
Brown blocks public review (Sac Bee April 11 2017)
DWR water chief says he may release Oroville Dam documents (Sac Bee April 13 2017)
Groups demand transparency (Sac Bee April 19 2017)
Managers made errors in dam crisis (AP April 20 2017)
What went wrong at Oroville Dam (Sac Bee April 25 2017)
PG&E to re-route power lines (Gridley Herald April 26 2017)
Resident's mistrust (SF Chron 6-18-2017)
DWR could have lost control (Chico ER Jan 23 2018)
DWR says it had redundant gate power (Chico ER Jan 26 2018)
Local Oversight Groups established for Oroville Dam (Chico ER Jul 11 2018)
Ron Stork interview on Ecotopia on DWR Oroville Comprehensive Needs Assessment (December 2, 2020)
Field Working Agreement Oroville Res Reg Manual (highlighted)
Emergency spillway release diagram Oroville
Design and General Plan of Oroville Spillways (Bulletin 200 1974)
MBK Oroville ops manual ltr to DWR April 17 2001
Y-FFPP Scoping Comments (highlighted) - 08/23/2001
YCWA Oroville Surcharge Memo excerpts (ocr) (highlighted) Aug 2002
WG 1st Oroville Letter 2-19-03 (ocr) - 02/19/2003
DWR first response to Workgroup letter 1 (ocr)(highlighted) - May 28, 2003
DWR 2nd response to WG oroville letter 1 (ocr) - 12/04/2003
WG 2nd letter to DWR (ocr)(highlighted) - 1/21/2004
Oroville ISA offer FOR comments - 6/7/2004
Oroville Dam joint intervention - FOR et. al. FERC filing 10/17/2005
DWR Oroville Em Spillway Soil depth ltr 1-3-2006 highlighted (ocr)
comments on Sutter County Oroville filing SWRCB - March 23, 2006
Comments on Sutter County Oroville filing CDFG - March 28, 2006
SWC and MWD Response to Interventions and Settlement Comments (highlighted) - 05/26/2006 - March 28, 2006
Onderdonk Memo (ocr) - July 27, 2006
Onderdonk Memo (ocr) Onderdonk Memo (with comments) July 27, 2006
FORetal_2100dEIS_comments (highlighted) - 12/18/2006
FERC Oroville FEIS excerpts - Summary of May 2007 FERC Oroville Licensing EIS
FOR Sierra Club SYRCL comments Oroville relicenisng EIR (text recog)(highlighted) - 08/20/2007
Oroville RVOS accident report OSHA2-10 (January 21, 2010)
River Valve Outlet System (RVOS) DWR 2015
FOR and CSPA Amicus Brief 401-cert
Army Corps Briefing on Oroville Dam (April 7 2017)
Project 2100 clarification & public process request - April 19, 2017
DWR Response ASM WPW Oroville Questions - Responses May 9, 2017
Leg Hearing 5-11-2017 FOR Oroville spillway oversight hearing
Final Signed DWR Response to Coalition Letter_linked - June 7, 2107
FOR et al. Oroville powerline relocation MOI P-2100-180
Cover ltr to FERC for the Oroville Rpt
The Oroville Dam 2017 Spillway Incident--Lessons from the Feather River Basin-Final
CSPA AW FOR comments SD2 PV 111017
Yosemite Law Conf RS Oroville incident paper
CSPA AW FOR comments SD2 PV 111017
Independent Forensic Team Report Final 01-05-18
Oroville IFT Report 01-05-18 Appendix C
FOR et al comments on Proj 2100 radial gate power supply
FOR et al comments on Proj 2100 gate power press
20181025-3103(33211845) FERC on spillway damage and auxiliary spillway
Feds warn repairs may not be enough (Sac Bee 11-1- 2018)
FERC After Action Report on Spillway Incident Dec 2018
Ron Stork comment on selected IRB recommendations (Jan 1 2019)
FOR Oroville PMF comprehensive PMF spillway deficiency memo (July 29 2022)