U.S. Congress Ratchets up Attacks on California Waterways

Thanks to support from people like you, FOR’s bill to safeguard federal Wild & Scenic Rivers in California was signed by Governor Brown in August!  This bill, AB 2975, protects federal Wild & Scenic Rivers in California under state law if the Trump Administration or Congress eliminate or threaten these federally protected rivers. This means that if Congress removes federal wild and scenic protection to build new dams on rivers like the Merced, it would be protected as a state wild & scenic river.

News coming out of Washington D.C. is much more disturbing.

We learned that U.S. Representative Ken Calvert (R-Corona) slipped a rider into a spending bill to exempt the plan to build two massive water tunnels through the San Francisco Bay Delta from state and federal litigation. This rider would nullify FOR’s litigation against the tunnels along with 24 other lawsuits. So much for state’s rights!

Please consider sending FOR a special contribution to help us convince Senators Feinstein and Harris to stop this legislation in the Senate.


How Can You Help?

We need your help to fight this insidious effort to build twin tunnels through the San Francisco Bay-Delta that would cost tens of billions, devastate the estuary, and send more water south. Your support will help us stop the twin tunnels by funding our litigation, grassroots organizing, media outreach, and advocacy. This is critical to preventing Governor Brown from advancing the tunnels in the last year of his term. We are also looking to 2019 when we will have a new Governor who can pursue a more refreshing and river-friendly approach to California water policy instead of having tunnel vision.

Give Today

Other Ways to Give

Turn stock market gains into free flowing rivers.

Give stock or mutual funds that have gone up in value during your ownership over more than a year’s time. You will get a deduction equal to the full value of the securities at the time of donation, rather than how much you originally paid for them, without paying a capital gains tax!

Email bschilpp@friendsoftheriver.org for information on how to donate stock.

Fund our Legacy

The Ron Stork River-Advocate Legacy Fund was established to honor the long-time river advocacy work of Ron Stork. This permanent Endowment Fund, held by Placer Community Foundation, was created to support the mission of Friends of the River, and in particular our River Policy Advocacy work.

Gifts to this fund can be made online at http://placercf.org/friends-of-the-river/

Give the Gift of Time

Consider joining the RATS Resistance!

Are you fired-up about the current political situation and ready to take action?

We’re accepting applications now through Dec 4th for the River Advocate Training School. The five month program begins with a four day intensive course to be held Jan 19-22nd, with monthly field trips and on-going support through May provided by FOR staff and the network of fellow RATS.

Click HERE to learn more or to apply.

Volunteer Opportunities

You don’t have to join the RATS program to be a volunteer. There’s plenty of work to be done, and we need your help! Contact our Program Director Toby Briggs to learn about upcoming volunteer opportunities tobybriggs@friendsoftheriver.org.