Intro to “Behind Enemy Lines” video.
[Video below]
Charlie Casey served as Communications Director for FOR and the American River Coalition from 1989 – 2002.
In the 1990s, Friends of the River was in a continuous and pitched political fight over the infamous Auburn dam with then-Congressman John T. Doolittle from Roseville. At public hearings, legislative sessions and even fundraisers and invitation-only meetings, FOR was always there confronting the congressman and his staff with vigorous, but respectful opposition. Ron Stork and various other FOR staff and volunteers battled Rep. Doolittle so often, and in so many venues, that we knew each other, if not by name then certainly by sight (and the sound of our unwavering dam opposition!).
Sometime around 2000, Rep. Doolittle’s staff called me up and said they were putting together a commemorative event to recognize his 20+ years of elected office. The event would include video with testimonials from friends, colleagues and family. They thought it would be fun and interesting to try to get someone from FOR to provide a testimonial of sorts, too. Obviously, we couldn’t provide nice remarks for their video. We couldn’t say anything — at least nothing favorable. But as I imagined the congressman and his longtime supporters enjoying a sumptuous evening of righteous memories, it did seem the perfect occasion to confirm all of their thoughts and fears about environmentalists. What better way to pull back the curtain on a bunch of sandal-wearing river huggers than to take the audience “behind enemy lines”?! Keep an eye out for the scene showing ‘FOR’s hotline’ to the Interior Dept. in Washington, D.C.
After the event, I heard our video segment was the hit of the night. And later, I got a very nice note of appreciation from the congressman thanking Friends of the River for participating.
Until he left public office, Rep. Doolittle never wavered in his strong support for a dam at Auburn that would have inundated miles and miles of the spectacular north and middle forks of the American River. But I like to imagine that with that little video, he came to realize his dam opponents were truly a fair and well-balanced organization.